Cocoanut Bayou Association

Special Project Approval



A chickee hut building project has been brought before the CBA membership for approval by majority vote. The project was thoroughly studied by the Board of Directors and the beach committee  It was approved in concept at the 2009 and 2010 annual meetings and the cost is within the available budget (fund have been available- THERE WILL BE NO ASSESSMENT). Because of the cost in excess of $1000, the bylaws seem to require a majority affirmative vote by the membership. A significant amount of time and energy has already been devoted to this project and as president, I suggest we get it done. The tax, insurance, hurricane, and adjoining neighbor issues have all been studied and addressed by members of the committee. A picture of the type of structure is enclosed.  The total cost is estimated at $5000. There is no special permit required because it will be constructed by native American contractors and designed to match the style and quality of typical Seminole structures seen throughout Southwest Florida.



Property Address___________________________________________

Yes, I approve of the project      _____

No, I do not approve of the project  _______

Please mark yes or no and fax or mail or scan email or simply email your vote

Please respond by July 10th 2010

Thank you


Michael Swor, President

265 Cedar Park Circle


fax 941-906-8774